Dev Diary – Week 1

This week I have learned:

Some great tricks for storing data, using enumeration, and dictionary’s in unity. Great work on that btw Ethan. I have also learned about C# extension methods, and how awesome they can be. In short they allow you to be able to add on functionality to inaccessible classes, this can be great for wrapping non project standard workflow from external classes in project relevant functionality without having to specifically write a wrapper class. I have also learned about some pathing methods, some of their use cases, shortfalls, and common elements. These being;

  • Spatial Graphs
    • That use discrete points to manage their pathdata.
  • Navigation Meshes
    • That use mesh information such as polygons or polyhedron’s. So they are able to store path data, in points and edges, allowing for an efficient and flexible method of generating pathable areas.
  • Potential Fields
    • That use vector data to determine directional force inside of an area, allowing the path to effectively “roll down hill”.

Also learning about all of the things that you can do with Path data to take advantage of preprocessed data stored in memory to reduce runtime processing is quite extraordinary.


I look forward to the coming week to learn more about these systems and how we can take advantage of them for our own purposes.